15/11/2019 Gartner Reprint Licensed for Distribution Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways Published 11 November 2019 - ID G00380121 - 35 min read By Analysts Lawrence Orans, John Watts, Peter Firstbrook Rapid growth of cloud-based secure web gateway services has become a disruptive force in the market. SWG vendors are adding cloud access security broker, remote browser isolation, firewall and other advanced features to enhance the security of their platforms. Market Definition/Description The rapid adoption of SaaS applications such as Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce and others is driving enterprises to adopt cloud-based secure web gateway (SWG) services. Enterprises are rearchitecting their WANs so that web traffic from remote offices flows directly to the internet (via local internet breakout connections), instead of backhauling it over expensive MPLS links to a centralized data center. As part of this rearchitecture, enterprises are utilizing cloud-based security stacks, so that web traffic from remote offices first flows through a cloud security service (mostly SWG services) before it reaches its final internet destination. A secondary driver for the adoption of these cloud services is the need to protect mobile laptops when they are off the corporate network. We continue to see interest from enterprises seeking to integrate cloud access security broker (CASB) and SWG functionality. SWG vendors are responding to this trend, by either acquiring CASB technology or partnering with CASB providers (mainly Microsoft and its Cloud App Security service) to deliver more tightly integrated CASB and SWG solutions. CASB vendor Netskope is also addressing this trend, as it continues the development of its SWG solution introduced in 2018. Gartner also sees growing demand for remote browser isolation (RBI) technology, which renders the image of a website in the cloud and sends an image to a user’s browser (cloudaverse customers can also implement RBI technology in their own data centers). Mostly, customers are implementing RBI as a feature of SWGs, so that uncategorized or risky websites can be rendered via the RBI technology. However, some highly security-conscious organizations have completely replaced their SWGs with RBI technology. Magic Quadrant Figure 1. Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways We use cookies to deliver the best possible experience on our website. To learn more, visit our Privacy Policy. By continuing to use this site, or closing this box, you consent to our use of cookies. https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-5UUUY2X&ct=181126&st=sb 1/21 15/11/2019 Gartner Reprint Source: Gartner (November 2019) Vendor Strengths and Cautions Barracuda Based in Campbell, California, Barracuda provides a broad array of cost-effective and easy-touse virtual or physical network security, storage, email security and productivity solutions, designed to target midsize businesses. In June 2019, Barracuda terminated its Web Security Service and officially launched its replacement, Barracuda Content Shield (BCS). BCS is a cloudbased recursive DNS service. Barracuda also offers its Web Security Gateway (WSG) appliances, for customers that prefer on-premises solutions. These appliances are good candidates for midsize businesses and cost-conscious enterprises looking for simple, onpremises appliances. The BCS cloud service may also be a good option for the same We use cookies to deliver the best possible experience on our website. To learn more, visit our Privacy Policy. By enterprises. continuing to use this site, or closing this box, you consent to our use of cookies. https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-5UUUY2X&ct=181126&st=sb 2/21 15/11/2019 Gartner Reprint Strengths ■ MSP partners benefit from Barracuda’s integration of the BCS service and WSG appliances with the vendor’s ECHOplatform, a centralized portal that enables managed service providers (MSPs) to manage customer accounts. ■ Barracuda provides centralized policy management and reporting across all its appliances. Its CloudGen Firewall product includes SD-WAN functionality and simplifies web traffic redirection to the Barracuda WSG. ■ Barracuda’s appliance pricing model enables it to be the low-cost alternative in many competitive deals. It charges by appliance capacity, and it does not add a per-user subscription charge. ■ Barracuda’s Instant Replacement program, which provides next-business-day shipping of replacement units, includes a fr

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