08/02/2018   Gartner Reprint (https://www.gartner.com/home) LICENSED FOR DISTRIBUTION Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention Published: 16 February 2017 ID: G00300911 Analyst(s): Brian Reed, Deborah Kish Summary Security and risk management leaders purchase on-premises enterprise DLP to solve for either organizationwide regulatory compliance or to better protect specific types of intellectual property, while monitoring emerging cloud DLP capabilities. Strategic Planning Assumptions By 2022, 60% of organizations will involve line-of-business owners when crafting their data loss prevention (DLP) strategy, up from 15% today. By 2020, 85% of organizations will implement at least one form of integrated DLP, up from 50% today. By 2022, a majority of DLP market revenue will be driven by integrated DLP products, as opposed to enterprise DLP systems. Market Definition/Description Gartner defines the DLP market as those technologies that, as a core function, provide remediation for data loss based on both content inspection and contextual analysis of data: At rest on-premises, or in cloud applications and cloud storage In motion over the network In use on a managed endpoint device. DLP products can execute responses — ranging from simple notification to active blocking — based on policy and rules defined to address the risk of inadvertent or accidental leaks, or exposure of sensitive data outside authorized channels. DLP technologies can be divided into two separate categories: Enterprise DLP products incorporate sophisticated detection techniques to help organizations address their most critical data protection requirements. Products are packaged in agent software for desktops and servers, physical and virtual appliances for monitoring networks and agents, or soft appliances for data discovery. Leading characteristics of enterprise DLP products include a centralized management console, support for advanced policy definition, event management workflow and reporting. Enterprise DLP functions as a comprehensive system to discover sensitive data within an organization and mitigate the risk of its loss at the endpoints, in storage and over the network. https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-3TOGM5S&ct=170216&st=sb 1/38 08/02/2018 Gartner Reprint Integrated DLP products offer a limited DLP feature set that is integrated within other security products including, but not limited to, secure web gateways (SWGs), secure email gateways (SEGs), enterprise network firewalls (ENFW), intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs),email encryption products, enterprise content management (ECM) platforms, data classification tools, data discovery tools and cloud access security brokers (CASBs). Integrated DLP usually focuses on a narrow set of regulatory compliance and basic intellectual property use cases where the data targeted for protection is easily identifiable and the policy for remediation is straightforward. Integrated DLP will not be the primary focus of this Magic Quadrant; however, some products are specifically identified to highlight the differences between enterprise and integrated DLP approaches. Magic Quadrant Figure 1. Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention https://www.gartner.com/doc/reprints?id=1-3TOGM5S&ct=170216&st=sb 2/38 08/02/2018 Gartner Reprint Source: Gartner (February 2017) Vendor Strengths and Cautions Clearswift Clearswift was founded in 1982 and is headquartered in Theale, U.K. Clearswift acquired both Jedda Systems and Microdasys for endpoint and web traffic inspection in 2013, and spent the next two years building out a fully integrated suite of adaptive DLP (A-DLP) products, brought to market in 2015. As of January 2017, Clearswift has been acquired by Ruag and will be part of its Defence Cyber Security business unit. Clearswift provides an enterprise DLP product suite that covers endpoints and servers, for datain-use and data-at-rest scanning, and data-in-motion via secure email and web gateway controls. Common management and policy controls are managed centrally through any product, including the gateways and Critical Information Protection (CIP) server, utilizing a common policy across all communication channels. Clearswift covers multiple communications channels (email, web and endpoint), in conjunction with centralized data security governance functionality, to track and trace information movement across the enterprise. Clearswift is a suitable choice for organizat

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