Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls Published 17 September 2019 - ID G00375686 - 86 min read With firewall providers embedding multiple security features in firewalls and enabling integration and automation capabilities with other security products, firewalls are evolving into network security platforms. Strategic Planning Assumptions By 2024, 20% of new distributed branch office firewall deployments will switch to firewall as a service, up from less than 5% today. By 2024, 25% of new firewall deployments will have users consider cloud-native firewall policy support of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platforms as a mandatory selection criterion, from less than 5% today. By year-end 2024, 25% of firewall end-user spend will be contained within larger security “platform” deals delivered by enterprise license agreements (ELAs), up from less than 5% today. By 2024, 50% of new firewall purchases in distributed enterprises will utilize SD-WAN features with growing adoption of cloud-based services, up from less than 20% today. Market Definition/Description This year, Gartner has modified the definition of network firewalls. As we are observing more clients moving toward hybrid networks and seeking firewall capabilities in the cloud, cloud vendors are also offering native firewall capabilities to their clients. The traditional firewalls also offer support for these cloud platforms. Hence, starting this year, Gartner has started to also evaluate the native firewall capabilities of cloud providers, along with st andalone firewall vendors. Also this year, the Magic Quadrants for Enterprise Firewalls and Unified Threat Management (UTM) have been consolidated into a single Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls. Gartner defines the network firewall market as follows: The network firewall market represented by this Magic Quadrant is composed primarily of firewalls offering bidirectional controls (both egress and ingress) for securing networks. These networks can be on premises, hybrid (on-premises and cloud), public cloud or private cloud. Network firewalls can also offer additional capabilities such as application awareness and control, intrusion detection and prevention, advanced malware detection, logging, and reporting. The companies that serve this market have an identifiable focus on network-based firewall controls — as demonstrated by the proportion of their sales and delivered with their support, sales teams and channels. These vendors provide features dedicated to solve firewall requirements and serve firewall-related use cases. 1 This Magic Quadrant includes the following types of network firewalls:  Purpose-built physical appliances  Virtual appliances  An embedded firewall module  Firewall controls delivered from IaaS platform providers Magic Quadrant Figure 1. Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls Source: Gartner (September 2019) Vendor Strengths and Cautions Barracuda Barracuda is based in Campbell, California. Its firewalls are visible on public IaaS platforms and in SD-WAN-related use cases on Gartner clients’ shortlists. These days, with a growing number of firewall vendors offering support for public cloud, Barracud a is 2 facing strong competition because of limited visibility in the on-premises firewall use case. The vendor continues to introduce enhancements related to support for public IaaS platforms and SD-WAN. It is primarily shortlisted by midsize enterprises. Barracuda targets organizations looking for cost-effective security solutions. Its firewall product line (CloudGen Firewall F-Series) includes physical and virtual appliances. It is available on the popular public IaaS platforms Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. Its firewall centralized management solution, Control Center, is only available as either a software appliance or a public cloud image. Its security portfolio extends beyond firewalls to web application firewalls, data protection and email security solutions. Recent product updates include integration with macmon for network access control (NAC) and full integration, and support for Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN, as well as new firewall instances in Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and AWS. Barracuda also discontinued its hardware appliances for centralized management, focusing on virtual and IaaS deployments. Strengths  SD-WAN: Barracuda offers mature SD-WAN capabilities within its firewalls. It has extended this SD-WAN support, includi

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