Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Solutions Published 10 October 2019 - ID G00380806 - 54 min read The data center backup and recovery market is rapidly changing as it addresses I&O leaders’ needs for simpler, more agile and cost-optimized solutions. This research provides analyses of execution and vision of leading backup and recovery vendors and solutions. Strategic Planning Assumption By 2022, 40% of organizations will replace their backup applications from what they deployed at the beginning of 2018. Market Definition/Description The data center backup and recovery solutions Magic Quadrant focuses on vendors that deliver backup and recovery solutions to protect enterprise data center workloads. This research lists the criteria that vendors must satisfy to be included in the Magic Quadrant. Gartner defines data center backup and recovery solutions as products that are designed to:  Capture a point-in-time copy (backup) of data across heterogeneous enterprise workloads.  Write the data out to a secondary device, such as tape, hard-disk drives, solid-state drives, an optical device, and/or to cloud services. The secondary device needs to be independent from the primary device.  Provide the ability to find and restore specific datasets to the original or alternate system. As the backup and recovery market is continuously changing, we simplified the market definition. Because this Magic Quadrant focuses on upper-midmarket and large-enterprise organizations, we refined the inclusion/exclusion criteria by increasing focus on international prese nce and size of the protected environment. Note: One of the requirements of this Magic Quadrant was that all products and capabilities evaluated had to be generally available in the market by 31 January 2019. The full evaluation of vendors was completed in May 2019, and thus the “as of” date in the graphic reflects this. Magic Quadrant Figure 1. Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Solutions Source: Gartner (October 2019) 1 Vendor Strengths and Cautions Acronis Company information: Acronis is a privately held company, founded in 2003 in Singapore, with dual headquarters in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, and Singapore, and 30 offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia. It develops backup, anti-malware, disaster recovery (DR), storage and enterprise file synchronization and sharing solutions (EFSS), with a focus on cybersecurity, protection and recovery. Acronis delivers backup/recovery for on-premises and hosted data center environments, workstations and end-user devices, as well as public clouds. Product description and enhancements: Acronis delivers a suite of products on the same codebase, with Acronis Backup as the core product for the data center; Acronis Cyber Cloud for service providers; and Acronis Cyber Infrastructure, which can be used as a backup target. Acronis Backup protects cloud-based data, data center workloads, remote offices and endpoints like workstations with a single product. Acronis’ backup solutions are integrated with security for the protection of 2 backups and primary data, and Acronis agents protect against malware, as well as offering blockchain-based service for data authenticity certification and validation. Acronis has delivered several improvements to its backup product including increased scalability, expanded support for multiple hypervisors and virtual machine (VM) image conversion. Delivery model: Acronis delivers Acronis Backup as a software solution for on-premises deployment, or hybrid cloud deployment with management server or storage hosted by Acronis or its s ervice provider partners. Acronis Backup comes in both a standard and enterprise edition. Pricing model: Acronis offers its software with a variety of pricing options. Customers can choose between capacity-based, per-CPU or per-VM licensing in either a perpetual or subscription-based model. Popular use cases: Acronis Backup customers range from small to midsize data centers with a focus on the automotive, sports, entertainment services, and oil and gas industry. Customers select Acronis for its simplified approach, instant recovery, image-based backup capability, enhanced security features and low total cost of ownership (TCO). Its client-driven architecture makes it a good fit for edge deployments and highly distributed environments. Support: Acronis delivers worldwide support, with a focus on local support available in multiple local languages.

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