翻译:张余瑞 华东政法大学民商法学硕士研究生、互联网法治研究院研究助理 审校:王镭 互联网法治研究院(杭州)专职研究员、华东政法大学助理研究员 (本 2018 年版公约的条文翻译工作是在 2012 年版公约译文的基础上进行的,2012 年版译文翻译 者为施佳倩、审校者为高富平。) 译者序 1981 年,欧洲委员会通过《个人数据自动化处理中的个人保护公约》(the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data )(本文下称 “公约”)。 该公约是首个关于个人数据权利保护的国际公约,为个人数据权利的保护提供了强有力的法律保 障。公约旨在保护个人免受个人数据收集、处理过程中因数据滥用而造成的损害,同时强调对个人数 据跨境流动的法律规范。在个人数据权利的保护方面,公约规定禁止处理涉及个人种族、政治、健康、 宗教等“敏感”数据。公约还规定个人对其个人数据享有知情权,在必要时有权要求纠正其个人数据。 只有在国家安全、国防安全等重大利益处于危险之中时,才能对个人数据保护权利予以限制。 随着互联网信息技术的发展及其应用的不断普及化,该公约也历经数次修订。其中,2012 年通 过的建议稿决定将公约名称中的“个人数据自动化处理”更改为“个人数据处理”,从而扩大了公约 的适用范围。2018 年 5 月,第 128 届部长委员会(Committee of Ministers)会议通过了对该公 约的最新一次修订。此次修订特别强调了吸收更多的国家加入公约,从而以公约为基础形成全面的数 据保护法律制度。 Preamble 前言 The member States of the Council of Europe, and the other signatories hereto, 欧洲委员会成员国及其他签署国, Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members, based in particular on respect for the rule of law, as well as human rights and fundamental freedoms; 鉴于欧洲委员会的目标尤其在于更大程度的实现各缔约国法治一体化,同时还在于人权和基本自由的 统一; Considering that it is necessary to secure the human dignity and protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of every individual and, given the diversification, intensification and globalisation of data processing and personal data flows, personal autonomy based on a person ’ s right to control of his or her personal data and the processing of such data; 鉴于在个人数据处理和交换多样化、集约化和全球化的背景下,有必要捍卫每个人的个人尊严和保护 基本人权和基本自由,尤其是通过对自有数据及其处理的控制权来实现保护; Recalling that the right to protection of personal data is to be considered in respect of its role in society and that it has to be reconciled with other human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression; 谨记个人数据保护的权利必须就其在社会中的作用来加以考虑,必须与其他人权和基本自由(包括表 达自由)相协调; Considering that this Convention permits account to be taken, in the implementation of the rules laid down therein, of the principle of the right of access to official documents; 鉴于在实施本公约确定的规则中,公约允许缔约国考虑公众访问(获取)官方文件权原则; Recognising that it is necessary to promote at the global level the fundamental values of respect for privacy and protection of personal data, thereby contributing to the free flow of information between people; 承认有必要在全球范围提升尊重隐私和保护个人数据的基本价值,由此利于信息的自由流通; Recognising the interest of a reinforcement of international co-operation between the Parties to the Convention, 承认强化公约缔约国之间的国际合作的利益, Have agreed as follows: 我们签署以下文件(达成如下协议): Chapter I – General provisions 第一章 一般规则 Article 1 – Object and purpose 第 1 条 目的 The purpose of this Convention is to protect every individual, whatever his or her nationality or residence, with regard to the processing of their personal data, thereby contributing to respect for his or her human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in particular the right to privacy. 本公约旨在确保每个缔约国在其管辖范围内保障每个人——不管其国籍或居住地——的个人数据在 个人数据处理中得到保护,因而有助于尊重他们的权利和基本自由(尤其隐私权)。 Article 2 – Definitions 第 2 条 定义条款 For the purposes of this Convention: 在本公约中: a.“personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (“data subject”); (1)“个人数据”是指任何与特定个人或者可识别的个人(“数据主体”)相关的信息; b.“data processing”means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, such as the collection, storage, preservation, alteration, retrieval, disclosure, making available, erasure, or destruction of, or the carrying out of logical and/or arithmetical operations on such data; (2)“数据处理”指任何对个人数据的处理操作,例如数据的收集、存储、保留、改变、检索、公 开、提供、清除或销毁,或者对数据进行逻辑的或算术的运算; c. Where automated processing is not used, “data processing” means an operation or set of operations performed upon personal data within a structured set of such data which are accessible or retrievable according to specific criteria; (3)在非自动处理个人数据的情形下,数据处理指按照任何允许检索到个人数据的标准设立起的结 构体系中所进行的操作; d. “controller” means the natural or legal person, public authority, service, agency or any other body which, alone or jointly with others, has decision-making power with respect to data processing; (4)“数据控制者”指独立或与其他人共同作出数据处理决定的自然人或法人、公共机构、服务机 构、代理机构或任何其他组织; e.“recipient”means a natural or legal person, public authority, service, agency or any other body to whom data are disclosed or made available; (5)“数据接收者”指接受或获得数据的自然人或法人、公共机构、服务机构、代理机构或任何其 他组织; f. “processor ” means a natural or legal person, public authority, service, agency or any other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller. (6)“数据处理者”指代表数据控制者处理个人数据的自然人或法人、公共机构、服务机构、代理 机构或任何其他组织。 Article 3 Scope

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