. Contents 1 Executive summary 1 2 2.1 2.2 Introduction, and context for the study Summary of study objectives and approach Structure of report 7 8 8 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Overview of global 5G spectrum designations and use Defining 5G International context for 5G development 5G specification phases Technological features of 5G relevant to infrastructure requirements Spectrum priorities for 5G 5G development timelines 10 10 11 13 15 16 18 4 4.1 4.2 Making new spectrum available for 5G Description of current mobile spectrum utilization in different markets Assessment of 5G spectrum plans in different markets 26 26 29 5 5.1 5.2 International examples of infrastructure policies for 5G National-level examples Local-level examples 41 41 48 6 6.1 6.2 Comparison of 5G readiness across markets Overview of 5G readiness analysis 5G readiness comparison 52 52 63 7 Conclusions and recommendations 67 Annex A Annex B 2012033-101 Abbreviations used in this report Country case studies . Global race to 5G − Spectrum and infrastructure plans and priorities Copyright © 2018. Analysys Mason Limited has produced the information contained herein for CTIA. The ownership, use and disclosure of this information are subject to the Commercial Terms contained in the contract between Analysys Mason Limited and CTIA. Analysys Mason Limited North West Wing, Bush House Aldwych London WC2B 4PJ UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7395 9000 [email protected] www.analysysmason.com Registered in England No. 5177472 2012033-101 . Global race to 5G − Spectrum and infrastructure plans and priorities | 1 1 Executive summary This is the final report of a study conducted by Analysys Mason on behalf of CTIA, comparing 5G spectrum and infrastructure policies proposed in markets worldwide to advance 5G technology and facilitate successful network deployment. 1 Analysys Mason’s study has: • Investigated actions that are taking place outside the US regarding the development and commercialization of 5G, and the extent to which governments and regulators in other markets view 5G as a race that they are intent on winning. • Compared what is happening to 5G in the US with other markets, in terms of ‘readiness’ for 5G, with a focus on two key governmental areas: 1. Spectrum availability, licensing and deployment plans for 5G. 2. Proposals aimed at streamlining planning processes for 5G infrastructure, including favorable mobile siting and licensing policies. This report compares the situation in the US to that in other leading markets, specifically: Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, and the UK. Our 5G readiness analysis is based on five metrics that we have defined for this study, based upon our prior experience in analyzing actions taken by policymakers to promote technological leadership: 1. Amount and timeline for 5G spectrum release. This includes: the total amount of spectrum being released for 5G, availability of spectrum across several bands (low, medium and high), and the timescale for spectrum being made available for commercial use. 2. 5G spectrum roadmap published. This provides a comparison in relation to overall spectrum planning for 5G, guided by whether regulators have published detailed roadmaps with indication of bands that are to be made available for 5G use, and/or are under study. 3. Government backing and infrastructure policy. This includes policies aimed at easing 5G infrastructure deployment, as well as government backing for early 5G deployment. Specifically, this captures the extent to which national governments are proactively aiming for 5G deployment and are putting policies in place aimed at encouraging further technological development and early commercial launch of 5G services. 1 2012033-101 CTIA is the leading trade association for the wireless industry in the US, representing companies reflecting all parts of the wireless ecosystem, including mobile network operators, equipment manufacturers, software providers, and other providers of products and services involved in the mobile wireless marketplace. . Global race to 5G − Spectrum and infrastructure plans and priorities | 2 4. Industry ‘proof-of-concept’ trials. This compares the extent of 5G network and equipment trials being conducted by industry parties, ahead of commercial network deployment. 5. Industry commitment to 5G launch. This assesses the progress that is being made by network operators towards comme

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