Brussels, 23.2.2022
COM(2022) 68 final
2022/0047 (COD)
Proposal for a
on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data
(Data Act)
(Text with EEA relevance)
{SEC(2022) 81 final} - {SWD(2022) 34 final} - {SWD(2022) 35 final} EN 1 EN EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM
• Reasons for and objectives of the proposal
This explanatory memorandum accompanies the proposal for a Regulation on harmonised
rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Act).
Data is a core component of the digital economy, and an essential resource to secure the green
and digital transitions. The volume of data generated by humans and machines has been
increasing exponentially in recent years. Most data are unused however, or its value is concentrated in the hands of relatively few large companies. Low trust, conflicting economic
incentives and technological obstacles impede the full realisation of the potential of data -
driven innovation. It is therefore crucial to unlock such potential by providing opportunities
for the reuse of data, as well as by removing barriers to the developm ent of the European data
economy in compliance with European rules and fully respecting European values , and in line
with the mission to reduc e the digital divide so that everyone benefits from these
opportunities. Ensuring greater balance in the distribut ion of the value from data in step with
the new wave of non- personal industrial data and the proliferation of products connected to
the Internet of Things means there is enormous potential for boosting a sustainable data
economy in Europe.
Regulating data access and use is a fundamental prerequisite for seizing the opportunities
presented by the digital age we live in . The President of the Commission, Ursula von der
Leyen, stated in her political guidelines for the 2019- 2024 Commission that Europe must
‘balance the flow and use of data while preserving high privacy, security, safety and ethical
standards ’
1. The Commission Work Programme 20202 set out several strategic objectives,
including the European strategy for d ata3, adopted in February 2020. That strategy aims at
building a genuine single market for data and at making Europe a global leader in the data -
agile economy. For this reason, the Data Act is a key pillar and the second major initiative announced in the data strategy. In particular, it contributes to the creation of a cross -sectoral
governance framework for data access and use by legislating on matters that affect relations between data economy actors, in order to provide incentives for horizontal data sharing across sectors.
The European Council’s Conclusions of 21- 22 October 2021 underlined ‘ the importance of
making rapid progress on existing and future initiatives, in particular unlocking the value of data in Europe, notably through a comprehensive regulatory framework that is conducive to
innovation and facilitates better data portability, fair access to data and ensures
interoperability ’
4. On 25 March 2021, the European Council reiterated ‘ the importance of
better exploiting the potential of data and digital technologies for the benefit of the society
and economy ’5. On 1- 2 October 2020, it stressed ‘ the need to make high- quality data more
readily available and to promote and enable better sharing and pooling of data, as well as
1 Ursula von der Leyen, A Union that strives for more - My agenda for Europe, Political guidelines for
the next European Commission 2019- 2024 , 16 July 2019
2 European Commiss ion, Annexes to the Commission Work Programme 2020 - A Union that strives for
more , COM(2020) 37, 29 January 2020
3 COM/2020/66 final
4 European Council, European Council meeting (21 -22 October 2021) - Conclusion EUCO 17/21, 2021 ,
p. 2.
5 European Council, Statement of the members of the Eur
联邦数据战略与2020年行动计划 英文
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