Author Palvinder Singh Principal Engineer, Intel ITWhite PaPer Information Technology April 2019 Executive Summary Enterprise architecture (EA) has become essential for corporations to be successful in addressing and supporting digital transformation and business growth at a much faster pace in an ever-changing environment. At Intel, we define EA as applying technology advancements across the entire architecture ecosystem to radically change how we operate, compete, and grow across businesses and geographies. Business models, technologies, and customer needs are changing at a break-neck pace. Intel must quickly adapt to necessary transformations (digital or otherwise) and technology disruptions to not only survive, but to thrive . Intel IT is in a unique position to support that agility—but only if we know what we have to work with and what effect changes will have. In 2016, with a new CIO and mandate around EA, we began our journey to build an effective EA. For Intel IT, this meant that we needed end-to-end, integrated, consistent reference architectures and a long-term technology roadmap that are aligned with business needs and corporate strategies, industry and technology advancements, and supplier landscape. Now, and into the future, EA provides the following benefits: • Accommodate an ever-changing business landscape and industry trends • Place decision makers in front of a reliable representation of the enterprise to help them influence the direction of the company and the relevant processes • Reduce technical debt with a modern and simplified architecture • Remove or reduce bureaucratic processes with governance automation Our EA efforts have provided a framework for digital transformation, helping to bring order to chaos.Modernizing, simplifying, and mapping IT assets and processes promotes innovation and transformation, reduces technical debt, improves business agility, and supports Intel’s strategic growth imperativeEnterprise Architecture: Enabling Digital Transformation at Intel Our enterprise architecture efforts have provided a framework for digital transformation, helping to bring order to chaos.it@intel Table of Contents Executive Summary ................... 1 Business Challenge ................... 2 Solution .............................. 3 Intel IT’s EA Operating Model ........ 3 Supporting EA with People .......... 6 Supporting EA with Processes ....... 6 Supporting EA with Tools ............ 6 EA in Practice for Enabling Business Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Results ............................... 8 Business Value ...................... 8 Delivering “IT on a Page” ............. 8 Improving Application Management ..9 Automating Governance ............. 9 Conclusion ......................... 11 Related Content .................... 11IT@Intel White Paper | Enterprise Architecture: Enabling Digital Transformation at Intel 2 Business Challenge In today’s data-driven and fast-paced marketplace, Intel’s continued success hinges on quickly adapting to market disruptions and opportunities through innovation and digital transformation. Intel IT is committed to contributing to that success by: • Supporting a radical rethinking of Intel’s business processes and outcomes, as Intel’s business strategy transforms • Continuously assessing and taking actions to level up the maturity of business and technical capabilities • Accelerating delivery of effective, scalable solutions to support Intel’s transformation from a PC-centric company to a data-centric company and beyond • Using optimization, modernization, and simplification to reduce and prevent technical debt, thereby shifting investment dollars from “run” to “innovate” However, though Intel IT has long had an enterprise architecture (EA) mindset, support and commitment (and EA results) have been inconsistent over the years, due to several challenges. Most importantly, upper management commitment to EA

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