Note: Before using this information and the produ ct it supports, read the general information
under Notices on p. 40.
This edition applies to IBM SPSS Modeler 14 and to all subsequent releases and modi fications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
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Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2011.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, du plication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.Preface
IBM® SPSS® Modeler is the IBM Corp. enterprise-strength data mining workbench. SPSS
Modeler helps organizations to improve customer and citizen relationships through an in-depth
understanding of data. Organizations use the insight gained from SPSS Modeler to retainprofitable customers, identify cross-selling opportunities, attract new customers, detect fraud,
reduce risk, and improve government service delivery.
SPSS Modeler’s visual interface invites users to apply their speci fic business expertise, which
leads to more powerful predictive models and shortens time-to-solution. SPSS Modeler offers
many modeling techniques, such as prediction, classi fication, segmentation, and association
detection algorithms. Once models are cr eated, IBM® SPSS® Modeler Solution Publisher
enables their delivery enterprise-wide to decision makers or to a database.
About IBM Business Analytics
IBM Business Analytics software delivers compl ete, consistent and acc urate information that
decision-makers trust to improve business p erformance. A comprehensive portfolio of business
intelligence ,predictive analytics ,financial performance and strategy management ,a n d analytic
applications provides clear, immediate and actionable insights into current performance and the
ability to predict future outcomes. Combined with rich industry solutions, proven practices and
professional services, organizations of ever y size can drive the highest productivity, con fidently
automate decisions and deliver better results.
As part of this portfolio, IBM SPSS Predictive Analytics software helps organizations predict
future events and proactively act upon that insight to drive better business outcomes. Commercial,
government and academic customers worldwide rely on IBM SPSS technology as a competitive
advantage in attracting, retaining and growing customers, while reducing fraud and mitigatingrisk. By incorporating IBM SPSS software into th eir daily operations, organizations become
predictive enterprises – able to direct and autom ate decisions to meet business goals and achieve
measurable competitive advantage. For further i nformation or to reach a representative visit
http://www.ibm.com/spss .
Technical support
Technical support is available to maintenanc e customers. Customers may contact Technical
Support for assistance in using IBM Corp. products or for installation help for one of the
supported hardware environments. To reach Technical Support, see the IBM Corp. web site
athttp://www.ibm.com/support . Be prepared to identify yourself, your organization, and your
support agreement when requesting assistance.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 201 1 . iiiContents
1 Introduction to CRISP-DM 1
C R I S P - D MH e l pO v e r v i e w ....................................................... 1
C R I S P - D Mi nI B MS P S SM o d e l e r .............................................. 1
A d d i t i o n a lR e s o u r c e s ....................................................... 3
2 Business Understanding 4
B u s i n e s sU n d e r s t a n d i n gO v e r v i e w................................................ 4
D e t e r m i n i n gB u s i n e s sO b j e c t i v e s................................................. 4
E - R e t a i lE x a m p l e — F i n d i n gB u s i n e s sO b j e c t i v e s ..................
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